Sunday Services: 10:30am and 6pm

ChurchServicesAn opportunity for the church family to come together. The service lasts for about an hour and there are crèche facilities available for parents or carers to utilise. The morning service includes junior church.

Prayer Meeting and Bible Study: Mondays at 7:30pm

BibleStudyEach Monday during term-time, the church family meet for prayer and Bible study. 

Coffee Morning: Monthly on Tuesdays at 10am

CoffeeMorningThis is an informal time when you can just pop into church for a hot drink and biscuit with plenty of time to chat.  The coffee morning usually takes place in the main church hall until around 11.30am.

Circle of Hope: Fortnightly on Thursdays at 7:30pm

LadiesMeetingOnce a fortnight on Thursdays during term-time the ladies get together in the lounge area for a Bible study.